Monday, September 23, 2002

LJ: Windows ROX!

An open letter to all of the spyware producers of the world, assholes all of ye:

Fuck off!

To my friends:

1) Get Ad-aware. It's amazing.
2) Ditch LimeWire if you value your privacy at all.
3) Check your Start > Programs > Startup folder... if you find something called PowerReg Scheduler, delete it. It is a "harmless" trojan horse than downloads & installs spyware programs like eAnthology and topMoxie without your realizing it. In fact, even Norton doesn't catch it, or even list it as a trojan in its Encyclopedia.

PS: Windows does NOT rock. That was facetiousness on my part. A little joke for all the kiddies out there. Heh.
PPS: That eyelash on my eyeball from last night? It wasn't an eyelash. I somehow managed to scratch (as in, gouge) the surface of my left eye. I'm now wearing something akin to a 21st-century eye patch, matey. Avast! Lookit me hook!