Sunday, January 08, 2006

How I roll: Sunday edition

Piping hot coffee. Check.
English muffin smothered with cheese. Check.
Sunday's Post. Check.
Dave Brubeck. Check.

I honestly can't think of any better way to start a week.


Bourgeois Deviant said...

Dave Brubeck. Totally sweet. Replace the Post w/ the Times or the New Yorker and you've nailed it for me as well.

I wonder why we're friends.

Martha Who? said...

How Martha Rolls on a Sunday morning:

A handful of the rugrat's froot loops

A few pieces of the Boston Globe when rugrat isn't tearing up the rest of the sections.

The music of Elmo's World in the background.

Ahhhhh.... thanks for the memories of a more peaceful time. Not that I'd trade my chaos for that time. Well... maybe SOME of the chaos for a leisurely cup of coffee and a date with Dave Brubeck.

Anonymous said...

And here wre some anagrams:

Piping hot coffee = hi pooping effect (also 'cog hippo fifteen')

English muffin = finnish flu gem

smothered with cheese = chewed shit threesome (also 'ditch these somewhere', 'hosts emceed herewith' and 'hitch esteemed whores')

Sunday's Post = sounds pasty.

Dave Brubeck = curved kebab.