First Score: From November 2003 until last March, I ventured into the world of personal music charts with the Milboard iTunes Top 40. It eventually became too much of a task compiling the thing, though I did have a considerable system for getting songs ranked. The big failing of the chart was that when I went through a period of not listening to music at all, a weekly chart becomes pointless. So the chart went away. Almost a year later, thanks to, the chart is nearing a return. will, provided you install a plugin to your favorite music player, keep track of what you listen to, and give you daily updated rankings of your favorite tracks and artists, as well as checking out what folks who have similar listening habits are listening to. The database is fairly comprehensive, and updates almost live (recently updated tracks appear within about a minute of their playing).
You may not get as excited about music charts as I do, but trust me, this is awesome. On the Awesome scale, this is easily a 9.6.
Assist on the first goal goes to Grandmaster Strobe.Second score: The South Park Studio. The character to the left is my own interpretation of myself in South Park stylings. All the elements are there in the Flash-based Studio to do the same for yourself, including outfitting yourself in a Butters t-shirt weilding a light saber. Awesome scale reads: 9.1.
Third score: The Advertising Slogan Generator. Plug in what you want to sell, click Sloganize, and voila!
My favorite result has been to Sloganize Grandmaster Strobe's name. The results are a fitting tribute:
- You Deserve a Dann Brown Today.
- Pure Dann Brown.
- Only Dann Brown Can Prevent Forest Fires.
- It's not TV. It's Dann Brown.
- The Curiously Strong Dann Brown.
- etc. etc.
Probably The Best Dann Brown In The World. Ha! PROBABLY.
The only problem I have with is that a song need to be playing for 45 seconds or so before it registers. I have a lot of punk songs, hardcore songs, etc. that are less then that amount and they don't regiater at all. Kind of throws the charts off a little bit, but still I'm totally addicted to the thing and I go over and look @ it several times a day.
I noticed that too. Fortunately, most of mine ring in at least at a minute. I like that there's some grace period if iTunes picks something that I'm not particularly interested in listening to and skip past that the track's not embedded on my chart for all time. *shrug*
Oh, and also --- user name "DannBrown" Find me.
You were found from your original post. You're on my friends list, but apparently it isn't some kind of reciprocal arrangement.
I'm checkypantz over there too.
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