The terror alert for the nation's capital just went up. Not officially, mind you, but I guarantee you someone over at DHS saw this news story and exasperatedly said, "Oh, shit."
So, you remember last May, when these two geniuses from Lancaster County forgot how to navigate a plane or something and sent DC into an absolute panic for about an hour? (If you don't, I talked briefly about the story over here.) Well, it turns out that after originally admitting he was wrong and swearing fealty to the rules of the FAA, he's now changed his tune, now blames the rules for what happened last year and - you are seriously not going to believe this shit - wants to open his own flight school.
I can see the ad slogans now:
- Martin Aviation: Can't We All Just Get Along?
- Martin Aviation: We'll teach you to say "niner" alot.
- Thrills! Chills! Exclusive aerial tours of Washington DC! Fly with Martin Aviation.
- Martin Aviation: WHEEEEEEEE!
Seriously. Come on.
I'm reticent to use the words "crash and burn" with anything having to do with aviation, but I sincerely hope his "investors" come to their senses and pull out of this incredibly bad idea before dude has the chance to menace anyone further.
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