Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spring Cleaning, 'net style

Got a little project for those of you in the know.

The email address I've been using for the past six years has become positively overrun by spam in the past month. I can't cope with it anymore. So I'm asking you to send me a message to my Earthlink address and let me know that you'd like the address I'll be moving to. I'll send you a message from the new account. Some of you may have the address, some may not. I just ask that even if you're certain you have the new address, email me at Earthlink anyway. Then I know to add or keep you in my address book.

This blog will also be moving, but I'm nowhere near ready for that, and there will be all sorts of fanfare when that move approaches.

So, yeah, shoot me a message at my Earthlink account, and help me purge this spam out of my life.

Deleting old email accounts is the only true spam filter.

Thanks a million.


Martha Who? said...

I have your earthlink address and I've tried to use it a few times recently with no luck. Can you send a note to my excite address (if you have it?) and keep me on your email list? :)