Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Election '08 Results: President McCain!

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

The more astute of you may have realized that this exceedingly well done piece of satire was just that.

The Onion had fallen off my must-read list several years ago due to some fairly lackluster offerings. They really reach their apex, as far as I'm concerned, with their first issue back after September 11. In the past few months, however, as I've walked past their distribution boxes downtown, I've literally LOLed some of the headlines. (That one about the Wikipedia editor is funny because I share a similar sort of pride for a recent news event of some note.)

The above video constitutes only the second time I've watched an ONN report, but I'm confident I'll be coming back if they stick with this level of quality or {shudder} improve it.