Sunday, September 22, 2002

LJ: so i go to prison and you get the cash?

A couple of things on the agenda tonight:

1) I've been having an on-going argument with a friend of mine about the notion of "leagues" in dating. Like, someone says, "she's way out of your league". Anyway, she maintains that leagues do not exist, and points to those celebrity couples where folks go, "What is she doing with him?" and says it's all in the perception. I say they're a very real sociological effect, and that those cases that stand out do so because they are rare. Comments?

2) I got an email from my aunt in Oklahoma a couple of days ago about the "devastating ***WTC virus***!!!" which would erase my C drive and all the DLLs too!!! (gasp). As soon as I read it, it looked like a hoax, and when I went to the Symantec web site, they confirmed my suspicion. But it made me wonder why some so willingly abandom common sense, reason and the tinest bit of fact-checking, instead putting unbridled faith in anonymous email hoaxes. To rant for a brief moment, if we all, as a species, put as much faith in the nitty-gritty message of one's chosen religion (which I largely take to be, in the broadest sense, "Fucketh not with me, and I'll reciprocate"), things might get a little better on this rock for a whole lot of people.