An update on last night's entry: Pipeline rules. I was watching the Mardi Gras footage over on Pipe 4, and there was a little chime, and an alert popped up that said something to the effect of "Breaking News on Pipe 3." I got all tingly. Sure enough, a tractor trailer had crashed into a building in the LA suburbs.
It's just the raw feed from the KTLA traffic helicopter, and whatever the traffic reporter says. Which actually isn't anything to sneeze at. To wit, this exchange:[Shot of Accident Scene - Wide. Shot zooms in to a BUS, which has been damaged. REPORTER is the only one we hear talking. We cannot hear the dialogue of those with whom she is conversing, presumably back at the KTLA studios. REPORTER, in this exchange, appears to be talking to her PRODUCER.]
REPORTER: What kind of car is that?
REPORTER: I know a bus!
Brief silence.
REPORTER: Yeah, but I was wondering what kind of bus.
REPORTER: So just a...
Brief silence.
REPORTER: So, just a bus.
REPORTER: So, how should I mention that on air?
REPORTER starts relaying information in what sounds like an on-air report. REPORTER refers to "a bus".
And, to answer a question from earlier this morning, I don't believe CNN is exerting any editorial control on the streams they are choosing to feed into Pipeline. At least, it certainly didn't seem that way in the revelry I watched last night. The cameras are pulled back sufficiently to make the crowd noise little more than an indistinct din, but I did occasionally hear the odd swear word or bead tossing. Of course, CNN has the ultimate option of just pulling a feed if something gets out of hand, but it seems, at this cursory interval, to be untainted raw footage.
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