Friday, May 05, 2006

So many spaces on the internets

And I have claimed yet another one. I knuckled under and signed up for MySpace.

It's not out of a sense of "I'm better than MySpace" why I'm not thrilled about it. I just hate being a "joiner," yet this particular event in my net life was instigated by someone telling me, "I hate to tell you this, but Friendster is so over."

Anyway, over there they play lots of Flash ads, including this one that had me sort of transfixed for a good three or four minutes.

If you don't intervene, Bush keeps getting pummled senseless until he is eventually knocked out. Then it starts all over again. BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM KNOCKOUT.

Is it wrong that I got some kind of perverse enjoyment out of that? I mean, it says, "Help Bush Win," and I don't wanna.

I did actually help him win once, but I felt icky afterward. The image of Bush pounding a black man into the ground doesn't sit well with me (see: New Orleans).

No point here. Just a mindless moment in my day I felt like sharing. Deal.


Anonymous said...

That's me kickin' Bush's ass.

Anonymous said...

Personally, my favorite one is the one where you have to help Bush out-knit Saddam.