Friday, May 12, 2006

The Ultimate Packrat

I'm referring, of course, to the NSA. It so happens that they (being the awesome folks they are) are keeping track of everyone who calls me, and whoever I call. They're probably doing that for you to, and your neighbor, and their parents, and their friends, and their priest, and his choir director, and her daughter's boyfriend, and his roommate... etc..., and maybe... juuuuust maybe somewhere in there they're tracking the calls of someone who may have once expressed sympathy for al-Qaeda.

What is even more troubling (on par with how many teenagers think the First Amendment goes too far) is that two out of three of you (in the general sense) don't give two shits about whether or not the government is collecting data about who you're in contact with.

Now mind you, I don't have anything to hide. I talk on the phone occassionally with a couple of my friends, quick calls to my girlfriend, and regular calls to my mother. If the NSA wants to spend time and money figuring that out for themselves, they're dumber for it, but there's nothing nefarious about it.

A diarist over on Kos has summed up why that two-thirds number should be much, much small. Let me say that again: If you think it's okay that the government is randomly collecting data on who you talk to, thus creating the largest database in the world, in an effort to find any potential terrorist activity, you need to go read this thing over on Kos.